Despite a hectic schedule throughout the week, we finally managed to spend a few hours shooting our center's corporate video.
This is not my first time working on a corporate video. I have done it a few times before, particularly for my faculty and school. And working with the Creative Content team is not my first time either. We had collaborated on MOOC projects and other multimedia projects since years. When I was appointed to coordinate our Open & Distance Learning (ODL) program for the university, I was fear of not having sufficient support, especially for graphic and video development in our ODL unit. I was worried that designers who will be part of our team would not deliver the tasks as expected. What more if they are new staffs hired by our center. But Allah is The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. He answered my prayer instantly. Alhamdulillah, who might expect that these three awesome guys are sent to our unit when we least expect it. They are skilled and proficient designers, have a handful of experience and outstanding portfolios. This is what I believe to be a 'rahmah' and 'saadah' from Him. Anyway, it has been around six months since I joined the center. During the period, there is not a day left without me thinking about ODL. Since my first day at PKP, I tried to grasp the university's expectations and diligently think about the best way to make the initiative a reality. Of course, I am not doing this alone. And even if I did, I am quite sure that everything will never be as good as we have so far today. And for that, I am enormously thankful for having such great partners at PKP who had assiduously help me out and always be there to assist me in whatever matters it takes. Words alone will never be adequate to express my gratitude and appreciation for their kindness. Terima kasih banyak Dr. Faidzul and Dr. Zainol for being there all this while and for many more provisions of help in the future. Thanks for being part of our ODL think-tank group (but yes, sometimes during the discussions we became 'ting tong' as well!) Oh, oh .. there are many more things in the pipeline for our ODL program. I don't have the courage to tell you all the matters, still. InshaAllah .. later, when everything is settled and in place .. there will be chapters of stories I shall tell.
Bukan satu perkara yang mudah apatah lagi melibatkan pengharapan dan debaran. Namun kata pujangga Arab - wanita itu mempunyai 'quwwatul intazhar' yang tinggi. Mudah-mudahan. Yang terbaik dari Allah jua .. #professionalism #acknowledgement #integrity Alhamdulillah... I take it as a 'rezeki' to have a chance to meet these wonderful ladies on Saturday afternoon! Alas, it was so unfortunate that Dr. Jid wasn't able to join the group! I couldn't imagine if the four of us met up that day - then the discussion would have been a complete one.
It's been ages since we last met face to face. It was a refreshing session - we shared all sorts of stories - from formal and academic topics to personal and life tales. Not 'membawang' hokey! Rose said - we should have this kind of catch-up more often. Yes, I do agree. Dr. Wan valued the session as mental therapy. Of course! Some may wonder how did we get to know each other. Dr. Wan is currently the Director of Academic Excellence at the Ministry of Higher Education (but still attached to UPM), while Dr. Rose is currently teaching at the Kulliyyah of Education IIUM in Gombak. Dr. Azidah is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Development and Academic Excellence USM. I first met Dr. Azidah at AKEPT somewhere in 2015. We both attended the 4th Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Symposium. My friendship with Dr. Wan started when I attended her talk at UKM. Not long after, we met again at Anugerah Pemikiran dan Rekabentuk Semula Pendidikan Tinggi as contestants in 2017. While for Dr. Rose - I first saw her during our FRGS grant meeting in IIUM somewhere in 2017. All four of us - we started as formal acquaintances, but through regular meetings, we bonded well. We even have a Whatsapp Group that uses a daring and havoc name (sorry, no disclosure allowed, hehe). True enough, friendship has no boundaries. As long as we share something in common, then it will remain the relationship. Keep up, ladies. I know you are busy, prominent figures to the public. May Allah grant us the strength to carry out our duty as the Khalifah Allah. Till we meet again! Alhamdulillah .. rezeki datang tidak dijangka. Never had any thought that we would actually meet up face to face yesterday. Only a few hours before we chatted via Facebook - wondering about having a chance to catch up again. I was about to get myself ready for an online talk when she texted me saying that she will be in UKM that morning. Soon after I had my session ended, I jumped into my car and headed to Bangi. Since both of us were hungry like a monster (I didn't have a proper breakfast, only a mug of hot Milo, and so did she), we decided (actually it was my choice hehe) to grab a nasi kukus at Dapur Mama. Too many things to share .. too many things to update. Alhamdulillah .. Sis Faizah has always been my source of inspiration. I learned a lot from her, to be honest. I still remember her kindness and hospitality towards us - Salmah and I - when we first landed in Birmingham - eleven years ago. She and her husband, Abang Bakri were the ones who came to fetch us from the airport and drove us to Nottingham .. er .. Hartley Road, to be exact. While we still had jetlag - the next day's morning, she knocked on our door, and together we walked to the Jubilee Campus for the very first time in our life. Wow .. coming from a hot and sunny Malaysia .. it was soo hard to endure the 30 minutes walk to the campus .. what more, we had to cover ourselves with a coat due to cold wind out there. Our live in Nottingham was so precious, even though we were alone there without our family members. Coping in mind that we were students back then - our mission was to complete our research journey no matter how hard it was to be apart from our beloved family. But of course, we had our own new families in Nottingham - Sis Faizah's family and Zac's became part of our lives. Talking about our life as students will take forever! I will reserve some time to tell you our tales later ... inshaAllah! Masih di bawah lembayung bayang-bayang ODL. Alhamdulillah hari ini dapat berkumpul bersama geng EduTech meski kehadiran penuh masih belum juga dapat dipecahkan rekodnya! Ye ye .. ramai orang penting di dalam kumpulan kami ini. Lalu berjumpalah mereka yang berkelapangan pada hari ini.
Banyak yang dibincangkan khususnya berkaitan program ODL Teknologi Pendidikan yang inshaAllah akan mula menemui khalayak pada September 2021 ini. Bukan mudah untuk membina satu program ODL .. namun rasanya kami harus bersyukur kerana ODL, online delivery, multimodality learning materials, online assessment bukanlah sesuatu yang terlalu asing bagi mereka di dalam bidang Teknologi Pendidikan ini. InshaAllah nantikan kemunculan program baharu ini yang diberikan nafas yang lebih segar, dengan kursus yang diadun untuk mengisi keperluan semasa khususnya dalam teknologi dalam pendidikan yang bergerak begitu pantas. Minggu hadapan bakal bermula acara menulis modul. Jomlah kawan-kawan .. kita buktikan komitmen kita sehingga ke akhirnya. Kepada mereka di luar sana yang berminat untuk melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat sarjana secara dalam talian sepenuhnya .. kami mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda! InshaAllah saya akan kongsikan dari masa ke semasa tentang perkembangan program ini. Barangkali ada yang sedang mencari-cari peluang menghabiskan pengajian master dalam tempoh 1 tahun? Atau barangkali ramai para guru dan pegawai-pegawai dalam bidang pendidikan yang mencari kaedah pengajian yang fleksibel dan tidak mengganggu jadual hujung minggu? Yessza .. nantikan ..! #ODL #ukmodl #edutech #fpend I am working from home today. After attending a 6 hour management meeting in the morning, I felt my energy was flushed out! I promised Madam Phua to conduct an informal meeting as she requested me to have a quick meeting with her fellow officers from Resource and Educational Technology Division, MOE in the evening. We explored more features of Blippar and its potentials to be adopted as a main AR maker software. It was exciting to learn what they plan for AR integration into text books for all primary and secondary school students. It is a great move I supposed! It is good to have people who are enthusiastic about exploring new things and willing to share thoughts and receive feedback for the betterment of our education system. Congrats BSTP! and of course bravo Madam Phua - who leads this extra-mega-ordinary project. Allahul Musta'an! #consultation #augmented reality #education #farizakhalid Masa yang pantasnya seperti belati membelah hari menjadikan kami manusia-manusia yang sering berkejaran tanpa menoleh ke belakang. Amanah itu satu tanggungjawab lalu tiada pilihan lagi melainkan terus mengayuh. Alhamdulillah bengkel penulisan modul untuk program ODL melibatkan kebanyakannya pensyarah daripada Fakulti Pengajian Islam telah dijayakan pada hari ini. Siri 1 ini akan disusuli dengan dua lagi siri pada 4 dan 8 Mac. Banyak yang dikongsi bersama rakan-rakan pakar bidang dan banyak juga soal jawab yang dikemukakan. Turut bersama saya adalah Program Manager - Yanti serta Instructional Designer - Sheril. Untuk siri bengkel seterusnya saya akan pass the baton to these ladies to fully conduct the session :) Maklumat tentang OER dan cara-cara mengenalpasti bahan OER turut dibentangkan. Semoga bengkel pada hari ini memberi manfaat dan panduan untuk pakar bidang meneruskan usaha menulis modul hingga ke penghujung. Selepas Zohor - bergegas pula ke PKP untuk perbincangan lanjut tentang projek studio rakaman. Hmmm .. projek yang menelan belanja yang besar tentunya tidak mudah untuk diberesi lantaran banyak prosedur kewangan di sana sini yang perlu dipatuhi. Lalu kelihatannya, batch pertama untuk program ODL tidak sempatlah merasa penggunaan studio serba lengkap dan sofistikated yang menjadi idaman kalbu saya. Namun, akurlah dengan keadaan. Jangan jadikan itu satu punca stress. Masih ada ruang dan alternatif yang boleh dijana. Minggu ini agak padat dengan susunan jadual yang tidak berkesudahan. Esok pagi, mesyuarat pengurusan manakala di sebelah petang bakal terlibat dengan konsultansi bersama BSTP KPM tentang projek AR pula. Khamis yang menanti dengan dua lagi siri mesyuarat yang masing-masing bersangkut paut juga dengan program ODL. Jumaat - saya melarikan diri dari bayang-bayang ngeri ODL untuk terbang bersama pelajar-pelajar IPG di Terengganu. Oh oh terbang secara maya sahaja ok. Pun bercakap tentang AR juga. Petangnya pula konsultansi NVivo bersama seorang sahabat lama! Apa lagi yang mahu dilaporkan di sini? Cukuplah. Sekadar meluah rasa agar beku jiwa dapat dikendurkan seketika ... |
December 2023
Connect with me:Department of Learning and Teaching Innovations Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi Selangor MALAYSIA |
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