Alhamdulillah, hari ini telah berlangsung Audit Lokasi Secara Maya untuk Akreditasi Sementara Program ODL sulung kami. Dua program terlibat adalah Sarjana Pendidikan dalam Teknologi Pendidikan dan Sarjana Pendidikan dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua.
Apa yang boleh dikatakan .. sesi sekitar 2 jam penuh dengan debaran dan pengharapan. Saya nampak kesungguhan semua ahli memberikan yang terbaik. Manakan tidak, usaha yang telah dicurahkan selama berbulan-bulan lamanya akhirnya sampai jua ke saat yang dinantikan. Meskipun laporan penuh belum kami terima, namun saya bermunajat kepada-Nya agar proses akreditasi sementara untuk program sulung ODL ini berjalan lancar. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan buat Dr Effendi, KJK Fakulti Pendidikan di kerana menjadi hos yang tersangatlah awesomenya! You are the best Fendi! :) Sekalung penghargaan yang tidak terhingga juga buat YBhg. Prof Dato’ Dr. Norazah Mohd Nordin, Dekan FPend yang telah membuat pembukaan majlis. Terima kasih semua ahli panel penilai, serta PM Dr. Dalbir Singh, Pn Hidayu dan Cik Hafizah dari PJK yang turut hadir. Terima kasih juga PM Dr Zainol selaku KJK PKP kami :) Sesi ini sesungguhnya tidak akan menjadi kenyataan tanpa sinergi daripada semua. Setinggi-tinggi tahniah buat Dr Hazrati selaku Penyelaras Program Sarjana Teknologi Pendidikan dan Dr Maslawati selaku Penyelaras Program Sarjana TESL. You have done a great job !! And of course, not to be forgotten - my ODL team: Nurziyanti our program manager and Sheril our Instructional Designer for your endless commitment and hardwork! To our CC team: Khairul, Zaidi and Hashim - keep up the great job! All the graphics are beautifully created! Alhamdulillah thummalhamdullillah! Kepala buntu untuk mengulas lebih lanjut. Pulang semalam juga dengan kepala kosong. Saya masuk ke peraduan lebih awal dan tidur juga lena!
Alhamdulillah, our ODL team managed to conduct another workshop to facilitate the module writing process to all subject matter experts from the Faculty of Education. This time around, we had a chance to have a face-to-face session at Bangi Resort Hotel. It was unfortunate that I had flu a day before the date :( I decided not to attend the workshop, as I know my presence might create an unease atmosphere for the attendees. Adhere to the SOP first, peeps! Time flies so fast, and I know that it is not easy to complete the module writing within a short period. For that, I admire the commitment shown by all the module writers; despite a hectic schedule - classes, supervision, plus research activities - they dedicated their precious and valuable time to sit down for a whole day to continue with the writing process. Bravo to our Program Manager -Yanti, and our instructional designer - Sheril, for your diligence and enthusiasm throughout the day! Let's have Japanese cuisine together after the Raya! It's a throwback!
How could I miss the news! Jadi saya parkir sahaja di sini untuk kenang-kenangan. Entah bagaimana terjumpa artikel yang telah diterbitkan sekian lama, sejurus selepas acara Anugerah Bitara UKM 2018 dijalankan! It's UKM's 48th convocation!
Following the new norm and strict Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), alhamdulillah, we managed to attend another historical event this year after a few postponements. Konvokesyen merupakan acara tahunan yang penting dalam meraikan kejayaan para graduan UKM khususnya daripada fakulti sendiri - Fakulti Pendidikan. Sekalung tahniah buat semua anak didik kami! Terlalu banyak yang perlu dilangsaikan, lalu tiada daya untuk mencoret panjang. Let the pictures speak! The day has come, finally!
Due to the pandemic strike, UKM convocation was postponed a few times already. Anyway, the waiting is worth it. My four supervisees went through this year. What a proud day it was. Congratulations, Dr. Mazzlida (absent), Dr. Fairus, Dr. Letchumanan dan Dr. Hairul! I know the journey was not easy. I know that there were times when some of you had the thought of quitting your study. The life of Ph.D. years is undeniably like a roller coaster ride. Tiada yang mudah untuk sampai ke tahap ini. Anyway, all of you managed to be here today. Be proud of yourself, be thankful to everybody who has done good things, and send their prayers throughout your journey. I am thankful to Him. Alhamdulillah. There is no other moment that can beat this feeling! |
December 2023
Connect with me:Department of Learning and Teaching Innovations Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi Selangor MALAYSIA |
Site map: GE1155 Computer in Education GE2153 Educational Technology GE3404 Photography GA2123 Innovation & Technology in Teaching and Learning GB6013 Research Methods 1 GB6663 Pengajaran Pembelajaran Berbantu Komputer GE6433 Seminar Aliran Terkini dalam Pengajaran Sumber dan Teknologi Maklumat GE6543 Teknologi Maklumat dalam Pendidikan Research Support e-Learning Support Publication Supervision Awards When My Mind Speaks Guestbook |