Hosted a benchmarking visit from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) at the Canselory building. The session was chaired by our Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and international Affairs), Prof. Dr. Mohammed bin Kassim.
The head of a delegation from UMT was Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zamri, UMT's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International Affairs). We discussed the Strategic Business Unit concept and the programs offered. Open and distance learning programs were among the topics discussed.
UKMShape telah menerima kunjungan hormat dari Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) bagi tujuan penanda aras. Tujuan kunjungan hormat ini adalah untuk menimba pengalaman dan berkongsi ilmu dalam pengurusan UKMShape bagi meningkatkan jumlah pengambilan pelajar di Pusat Pendidikan Luar UMK (UMKCEE).
Delegasi dari UMK diketuai oleh Prof. Dato’ Dr. Razli Bin Che Razak - Naib Canselor UMK, Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Muhammad Ashlyzan Bin Razik - Pengarah UMKCEE, Dr. Siti Bahirah Binti Saidi - Timbalan Pengarah UMKCEE dan En. Mohammad Firdaus Bin Nizam - Pegawai Khas Naib Canselor. UKMShape diwakili oleh Prof. Datuk Muhammad Bin Hussin - Pengarah UKMShape, Prof. Madya Dr. Fariza Binti Khalid - Timbalan Pengarah I (Akademik dan Pengembangan Program) UKMShape dan turut serta adalah Ketua Bahagian UKMShape. Semoga kunjungan ini memberikan manfaat kepada kedua-dua pihak dan membawa kepada terjalinnya kerjasama yang baik pada masa yang akan datang. #UKM #UKMShape #UMK The delegation from Hanyang University, South Korea led by Prof. Dr. Sukjoo Bae (Dean of General Graduate School), Mr. Kunsoo Lee (Senior manager of General Graduate School Administration) and Ms Jiyun Lee (Associate Manager of International Affairs, Admission Program) arrived at the Center for Shaping Advanced & Professional Educational (UKMShape) on their first visit to UKM.
Hanyang University has intended this visit to learn more about how the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) program is conducted by UKM. The session started with a welcoming speech delivered by Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic & International Affairs, UKM, Prof. Dr Mohammad Kassim and was passed to Assoc. Prof. Dr Fariza Khalid, Deputy Director I (Academic and Programme Extension) to continue sharing more about UKMShape. Mrs Nurziyanti Mohamed Khan (ODL’s Project Manager) also presented the process involved in developing the ODL’s programs and the journey until UKM is ready to offer the program to local and international students. The session was continued by a presentation by Hanyang University on their first Online Program to be offered in September 2023. Sharing the same method of delivery for both programs ODL UKM and Hanyang University welcomed any opportunity for collaboration between UKMShape and Hanyang University in the near future. #UKM #UKMShape #ODLUKM #OpenDistanceLarning #HanyangUniversity |
December 2023
Connect with me:Department of Learning and Teaching Innovations Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi Selangor MALAYSIA |
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