Despite a hectic schedule throughout the week, we finally managed to spend a few hours shooting our center's corporate video.
This is not my first time working on a corporate video. I have done it a few times before, particularly for my faculty and school. And working with the Creative Content team is not my first time either. We had collaborated on MOOC projects and other multimedia projects since years. When I was appointed to coordinate our Open & Distance Learning (ODL) program for the university, I was fear of not having sufficient support, especially for graphic and video development in our ODL unit. I was worried that designers who will be part of our team would not deliver the tasks as expected. What more if they are new staffs hired by our center. But Allah is The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. He answered my prayer instantly. Alhamdulillah, who might expect that these three awesome guys are sent to our unit when we least expect it. They are skilled and proficient designers, have a handful of experience and outstanding portfolios. This is what I believe to be a 'rahmah' and 'saadah' from Him. Anyway, it has been around six months since I joined the center. During the period, there is not a day left without me thinking about ODL. Since my first day at PKP, I tried to grasp the university's expectations and diligently think about the best way to make the initiative a reality. Of course, I am not doing this alone. And even if I did, I am quite sure that everything will never be as good as we have so far today. And for that, I am enormously thankful for having such great partners at PKP who had assiduously help me out and always be there to assist me in whatever matters it takes. Words alone will never be adequate to express my gratitude and appreciation for their kindness. Terima kasih banyak Dr. Faidzul and Dr. Zainol for being there all this while and for many more provisions of help in the future. Thanks for being part of our ODL think-tank group (but yes, sometimes during the discussions we became 'ting tong' as well!) Oh, oh .. there are many more things in the pipeline for our ODL program. I don't have the courage to tell you all the matters, still. InshaAllah .. later, when everything is settled and in place .. there will be chapters of stories I shall tell.
Ini suatu amanah yang berat dan saya sendiri masih sangsi samada saya mampu menggalas tanggungjawab ini sebaiknya. Namun saya percaya sesuatu itu berlaku pasti ada hikmah dan pengajarannya. Lalu saya cuba tenangkan hati dan pujuk minda untuk melihat sisi yang positif daripada pelantikan ini. Tugas 'core' saya yang diamanahkan adalah untuk start up program berbentuk Distance Open Learning (ODL). Hasrat UKM adalah untuk menjadikan menara gading ini sebagai satu hub pembelajaran dalam talian yang mampu menarik lebih ramai pelajar daripada latar belakang serta geografi yang berbeza. Namun, untuk menjadikannya sebagai ODL yang benar-benar menepati ciri-ciri ODL yang sepatutnya, banyak tugas yang perlu dilangsaikan. Semuanya bersarang di dalam zihni saya dan saya memerlukan kapasiti minda yang tenang dan rasional untuk articulate setiap satu sub-tugas agar dapat diterjemahkan dalam pelaksanaan yang sistematik dan efektif. Kepada Allah Azza wa Jalla saya memohon rahmat dan rahim-Nya agar dikurniakan kekuatan fizikal dan mental untuk melunasi amanah ini dan impian untuk melihat 10 program ditawarkan secara ODL menjelang semester awal tahun 2021 menjadi satu kenyataan. Allahul Musta'aan ... |
December 2023
Connect with me:Department of Learning and Teaching Innovations Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi Selangor MALAYSIA |
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