A meaningful learning does not necessarily take place in formal conditions. In fact, we informally learn from others surrounding our world. In a community of practice, among the substances that help members in the community to grow emotionally and professionally is through story-telling. On that basis, I purposefully invited one of my master students who graduated in 2014 to come to our faculty and shared her story with my other post graduate students. The spirit was to share thoughts on what doing research is all about, what it takes to make it through and the utmost interesting part was what is the feeling like to have finished the research and graduated with flying colours. Ummu was an example of thousands of students who passed their masters study. But her story was unique and was described by some of my current students as inspirational indeed - especially when she had to check in to hotels to finish up the writing and left her newly born baby with her parents. Money was not an issue that time. Her determination and perseverance really made her to move on. It was feeling good every time I see my students getting together and exchange stories and ideas. As a researcher, we cannot think and work alone. Ideas has to be shared, solution has to be discussed, achievement has to be celebrated together. Well, my vision is to make them feel the sense of belonging to this community. My heartful thanks to everybody who attended this session, including our invited guest - Ummu. Fly high everyone! ^__^
Manusia sudah dilahirkan untuk hidup secara berkelompok dan bermasyarakat, justeru kehidupan bermsyarakat, tolong-menolong, kongsi berkongsi merupakan satu rahmat. Secara peribadi, say percaya akan kata-kata bahawa muafakat membawa berkat. Ilmu Allah nan luas, tidakkan mampu kita renangi sendiri. Pengalaman yang pelbagai tidakkan mampu kita kaut semuanya. Oleh kerana itulah, saya ingin membawa seseorang untuk berkongsi rasa dan pengalaman yang telah dilalui sepanjang tempoh sebagai pelajar sarjana.
Nantikan tarikh ini tiba, insyaAllah kita sama-sama berkongsi, because sharing is caring!! Kecil tapi signifikan. Itu yang saya kira berlaku, atau sekurang-kurangnya harapan saya agar ianya begitu. Kumpulan kecil yang hadir merupakan anak-anak didik rapat saya datang dengan penuh semangat untuk meneroka proses penganalisisan data menggunakan SPSS serta bagaimana menghasilkan penulisan laporan mengikut format yang diterima. Meski kami hanya menyentuh perkara-perkara asas serta analisis ringkas seperti T-Test, ANOVA dan Korelasi sahaja, saya kira ia memadai sebagai panduan untuk mereka terus tegak berdiri dan teguh melangkah. Kejapkan semangat, teruskan nekad pasti Allah tidak akan mempersiakan usaha dan niat murni kita. Saya mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan terima kasih kepada yang hadir, dan saya percaya kehadiran semua ke bengkel inii bukan kerana dipaksa tetapi lahir daripada desakan dan keperluan diri sendiri dalam menyempurnakan tugasan penyelidikan serta niat untuk menambah ilmu di dada. Alhamdulillah ... Kecil namun signifikan. What more do you expect? Assalamualaikum warahmatullah and greetings,
In the previous meeting with some of my masters students, I learned that many were still having questions on how to compute the cumulative mean for the constructs they had. Some were unsure of the interpretation part, while others were still looking for how to assess the normality of their data! Based on their demand, I will be conducting a mini workshop on SPSS that will cover some basic applications. Thanks Allah The Almighty for giving us time to meet up and share a lot of things related to research. I purposely set up this meeting as a platform for my master students to share their research progress. Thanks everybody who participated in the presentations. For those who did not manage to come - its okay, we will be having another session in the next couple of weeks. I asked my students to prepare few slides and share their research findings with others. By doing this, I hope to cultivate a sense of belonging to their own research as well as the learning community that includes all my post graduate students. Based on community of practice approach, it is anticipated that members would learn from each other, and dynamically contribute to the learning process. I am proud of them although some considered themselves as 'slow-paced' but personally I do not see that as a hindrance. As long as everybody has a clear target, working towards it continuously or slowly but surely, I am pretty positive that very soon you will reach there! I do not mean to be pushy! This meeting is a necessary mean to spur the research progression, at least that's how I see it! Let's meet up everybody and share your research progress. There will be question & answer session at the end of presentation. Hope to get fruitful feedback then insha-Allah! :)
December 2023
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