My visit to Sarawak was actually to collect research data from two secondary schools in Kuching. [My heartfelt thanks to Dr Salmah, a friend of mine who is currently working in UNIMAS for helping me out with the overall process. Without her, it will be almost impossible for me to get an access to the schools. It was a great opportunity since the two schools that we visited gave a full cooperation to make my intention fulfilled]. I also took this opportunity to share my little knowledge on systematic data analysis in Case Study through which the emphasise was given on meta-matrix and causal network. I thank all the attendees for coming to the sharing session! We were having a good time together .. and the questions asked were challenging too! I am grateful when I looked at their enthusiasm. Faces with a full concentration and eagerness to listen to every sentence I uttered. Wishing you all the best in your research journey!
InshaAllah sekali lagi saya akan berkongsi maklumat berkaitan kajian kes bersama para pelajar siswazah. Jemput datang bagi yang berkeperluan dan berkelapangan :) Slaid berkaitan boleh dimuat turun pada link di bawah: ![]()
Alhamdulillah sesi perkongsian di bawah slot Knowledge Cafe berjaya dilaksanakan meski tarikh asal pada 21 Mac terpaksa diganjak ke 27 Mac kerana pertembungan dengan kuliah master eksekutif. Kami memang menjangkakan jumlah kehadiran yang kecil dan jumlah ini memang sesuai sekali nutuk perbincangan berbentuk mikro. Terima kasih kepada yang sudi datang khususnya para pelajar program Komputer dalam Pendidikan yang secara sengaja memohon pengecualian kuliah semata-mata untuk menghadiri seisi perbincangan dua hala ini.
Semoga apa yang dibincangkan memberi manfaat buat semua khususnya dalam menjayakan penyelidikan masing-masing. Terima kasih juga kepada pihak Pusat Penilaian Fakulti Pendidikan di bawah teraju Dr Mistima Maat yang menjemput saya untuk sesi pada kali ini. I want to thank everybody who attended the case Study Discourse. A small group with high spirit and collegiality! I wish you all the best in your learning endeavor!
Salam and good day everybody,
Here is the slide that I used in the Case Study Discourse for your reference. You may also view the presentation HERE Hope this little effort benefits you :) |
December 2023
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