Catatan tertangguh. Was invited to share my insights on how to conduct assessment to measure the impact of program by the American Chemical Society International Chemical Science Malaysia Chapter. We had a good time brainstorming the ideas related to the process. Kirkpatrick's Model was among the content of discussion. If you want to know more about the model, try to look at literature on program assessment or you can simply search 'kirkpatrick' as your keyword and you will get abundance of papers related. My heartfelt thanks to Dr Sukor for this invitation! So happy to see adik-adik from FST UKM among the attendees - it brings back the memory when I was engaged to the faculty to share active learning concepts and related practices few years back.
Siaran tertunda.
SPPPT merupakan satu siri kursus yang melibatkan semua pensyarah baharu yang memasuki sistem UKM. Alhamdulillah, dalam diam tak diam, kumpulan ini telah memasuki kohort ke-4 semenjak ia mula diperkenalkan. Relex - Modul yang memfokuskan kepada reka bentuk pengalaman pembelajaran mengetengahkan konsep kepelbagaian pelajar, teori-teori pembelajaran, Instructional Design, pedagogi, andragogi serta heutagogi serta teknik Debriefing. Terlalu banyak maklumat yang hendak dikongsi dalam masa beberapa hari. As time was so limited, everything was squeezed in. Pendedahan ini hanya merupakan permulaan, kerana pengalaman, latihan dan ekperimen bersama pelajar dalam bidang sendiri merupakan pembelajaran dan praktis sebenar yang akan membantu memantapkan profesion masing-masing. Selamat berkarya dan terus berpegang kepada prinsip bahawa it is about students' learning, not lecturers' teaching! Sedikit feedback daripada peserta kursus. Thanks semua. Synchronous and asynchronous are basic terms when it comes to online or distance learning. When the pandemic struck, teaching and learning activities were shifted online. Whether you like it or not, that is the only option left. But after almost a year of being under this new norm, we should have mastered the arts and science of planning, selecting, conducting, and assessing our online and distance classes. When is it suitable to conduct a synchronous session? What are learning activities and techniques should we use when you have a large group of students in your Google Meet class? How to ensure students' engagement throughout the session? How can you guarantee collaborative learning to take place when students are learning from a distance? These are among the examples of questions that need to be deliberately answered by all of us, educators. My heartfelt thanks to SieQa committee for this invitation. I had fun sharing my little insights on this topic :) A week before the seminar, we had a quick catch up with the organising committee. Dr Ooi briefed us the tentative and how the sessions would be organised.
And these are among the participants who attended the session. Thanks for joining! I was invited to present a keynote speech for 2020 IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e2020) that took place on 17th November 2020. Redesigning a Meaningful Online Learning for Learners: Where Do We Start and Where Do We Go? - that was the title of my presentation. Everybody is talking about shifting teaching to online mode but little that we know that the shift needs a planned modification, not only related to the content delivery alone. Rather, it involves more aspects - students' actual needs and capacity (cognitive as well as their technology affordances), learning experiences to suit the objectives, a choreography of activities so as to ensure active learning to take place and not forgotten, the aspect of assessment. I also highlighted the importance of identifying the root of the problem that is to be addressed by using a performance discrepancy analysis. This is a core approach taken by all instructional designers. Without understanding the actual cause of students' performance, we will never be able to provide them a remedy. Being an educator is not easy huh, but if you love your profession, I bet this process will give you abundance of blissful satisfaction as you know what you are doing, and why you choose to do it :) My heartfelt thanks to Assoc Prof Dr Sian Lun Lau for the invitation!
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December 2023
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