Alhamdulillah, bengkel pembinaan Weebly akhirnya berjaya dilaksanakan dengan sambutan yang sangat memberangsangkan .. saya ingin merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua peserta (mohon berbanyak maaf kerana tidak sempat berkenalan dengan lebih lanjut .. tapi jangan segan untuk hubungi saya nanti ye!) yang memberikan komitmen yang tidak berbelah bahagi untuk menguasai kemahiran yang dibekalkan. Masa terlalu suntuk untuk membuka ruang yang lebih panjang untuk sesi hands-on .. namun saya mengharapkan sedikit sebanyak apa yang dikongsi dalam bengkel ini menjadi bekal berguna untuk memulakan langkah pembinaan laman web masing-masing :) Setinggi penghargaan juga kepada pihak Pengajaran UKM, khususnya Prof Dato' Mohamed Amin Embi serta PM Dr. Raihanah Mydin yang sudi memberi peluang untuk saya berkongsi sedikit maklumat bersama. Di atas kekurangan saya mohon berbanyak maaf. InshaAllah di lain kesempatan, bertemu lagi! :)
InsyaAllah satu lagi bengkel akan saya kendalikan dalam masa terdekat iaitu pada 16 Ogos ini berkaitan pembinaan laman web menggunakan Weebly. Sasaran bengkel merupakan kumpulan T30 yang meliputi pensyarah-pensyarah dari seluruh fakulti UKM yang terpilih dalam kumpulan berprestij ini.
Untuk memudahkan rujukan, saya lampirkan sekali slaid ringkas:
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah
Saya menjemput semua warga Fakulti Pendidikan ke Bengkel Blog Weebly. Maklumat bengkel sebagai mana berikut: I came across a post by Website Builder Expert about the comparison between Weebly and Wordpress.
I am copying the content from the website here to share what has been posted: Having a tough time choosing between Weebly vs WordPress? Including how easy or difficult they are to use, the pros and cons of each website builder? You’re not alone. This is a highly debated topic and it’s one that’s very confusing at times. But in this article, including the video below, we’re going to explore fully the differences between Weebly and WordPress – in non-technical way so it’s easy to understand! But first, let’s go over what exactly is Weebly and what is WordPress. Weebly Overview Weebly is one of the easiest website builders in the market. They allow you to drag and drop content into a website, so it’s very intuitive to use (click here to see our opinion on Weebly). By using Weeby’s website building elements, you can literally drag them into your website and have a website built relatively quickly, and painlessly. The beauty of this system is that you can pretty much drag the elements to wherever you want – so it’s not very restrictive on where and how you place your website content. Weebly’s elements include pictures, paragraphs, videos, buttons, maps, contact forms – basically all the basics for website building. WordPress Overview WordPress is often known as a blogging tool for people who want to blog about their interests. However, nowadays, WordPress is being used on non-blog websites, including e-Commerce websites. There is a much larger community supporting WordPress, mainly because they have a lot of different designers and programmers that provide services and build tools (such as plugins) for WordPress users. So finding WordPress experts is relatively easy. This is why a WordPress has gained a lot of attention and is favored, because the support community is extensive and you will always be able to find help there (for a fee of course!) The disadvantage of WordPress is that it is a lot more difficult to use, especially when compared to using Weebly. There is a reason why the support community (i.e. designers and programmers) for WordPress is extensive – most people using WordPress have a harder time learning how to use it properly due to technical challenges, and hiring WordPress specialists to help build or maintain a website is definitely more expensive than Weebly. On the other side of the coin, you can do a lot more complex functions with WordPress, but you will need to either be proficient at using it, or be willing to hire someone to build it for you. Why Choose Weebly?Here are some reason why one should try Weebly to build websites:
ALhamdulilah .. julung-julung kalinya bengkel di bawah e-portfolio Penyelaras e-Pembelajaran telah dapat dijalankan dengan jayanya. Saya merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang sudi hadir dengan penuh semangat untuk membangunkan blog peribadi. Harapan saya agar usaha ini dapat diteruskan .. maintainence sangat penting .. jangan biarkan blog anda bersawang dan ditumbuhi lalang :)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,
Mohon kerjasama semua agar dapat mengisi borang maklumbalas bengkel i-Folio di bawah ini. Terima kasih :) Bertempat di Makmal 2, Bengkel Asas Pembinaan Blog telah berjaya di adakan pada 4 September 2014 yang lalu. Matlamat bengkel tersebut adalah untuk memberi kemahiran asas dalam pembinaan blog menggunakan paltform Blogger.
Setiap peserta menunjukkan semangat dan komitmen yang tinggi. Mudah-mudahan saja blog yang dibina akan terus dikemaskini setiap masa. Saya secara peribadi mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir :) Satu bengkel Pembinaan Blog Pendidikan akan di adakan seperti mana maklumat di bawah.
Semua pensyarah dijemput hadir :) |
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