Videos can be one of the best and fun learning materials as it contain not only text, but also moving objects, musics and audio. Videos are used widely in teaching and learning process for various purposes. Some may use videos to explain abstract things or concepts. Some may use videos for enhancing understanding and memorisation. Some others might use videos for assessment!
So, what are the guidelines to prepare or select a good video? Can you just simply record the scene and publish it to YouTube? Let me share with you some tips on how to select or develop a good video for lesson. Firstly, make sure the video spurs students' curiosity and catch their attention. A dull video may not be effective even though you spent days to develop it. Once the video grabs your audience attention, it has successfully catched their interest. That is what you need right? Next, look at your video and ask yourself whether it gives space for students to demonstrate their autonomy. Allow students to choose which frame they want to watch, replay, pause or skip. Let them play with the content at their own pace. Remember that the videos will not give all the information. Rather, its role is to spur your students' curiosity. Therefore, another guide for a video is to allow students to create their own learning which may be stimulated by the video you have. You may then add some additional exercises for further research. Also remember that the ultimate aim of our teaching and learning process is actually to ensure that learning takes place. Therefore, do not simply be contented if you have a good video without assessing your students' learning. It is not about the material you use that matters, but how does the activity promote your students' learning. Let's have a little discussion on video for teaching & learning tomorrow!
Tahniah buat semua yang telah mengemukakan persembahan video yang menarik! Sebagaimana yang anda semua telah lalui, proses menghasilkan video bukanlah suatu proses yang mudah bukan? Ia memerlukan perancangan rapi di samping semangat kerjasama berpasukan serta ketepatan masa. Semoga pengalaman yang anda semua lalui ini dapat memberi panduan untuk menghasilkan bahan-bahan berbentuk multimedia khususnya apabila bergelar guru sebenar di sekolah kelak. Jadikan ilmu dan kemahiran yang diterima dalam kursus Teknologi Pendidikan ini sebagai sebahagian daripada 'mutiara' yang berguna. Mari kita lihat beberapa video hasil pembikinan anda :) Fasa Seorang StudentAku yang Dulu Bukanlah yang SekarangMasa & Minggu AKhirGo Clean |