Hasrat untuk menyediakan bahan tutorial in telah bertahun-tahun difikirkan namun seringkali masa tidak menyebelahi. Alhamdulillah, sempena musim bekerja dari rumah in, saya sempat mengabadikan masa beberapa hari untuk menyiapkan tutorial ini yang saya kira dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua pelajar kelas Fotografi yang perlu membangunkan e-portfolio masing-masing menggunakan Weebly. Semoga semua dapat merujuk kepada tutorial in ye. Dan boleh hubungi saya sekiranya ada sebarang pertanyaan. Oh ya, jangan lupa subscribe kepada channel saya okay! Give me some love guys! :) Thanks!
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Today we will discuss ways to showcase your photography work. Don't let you work kept undiscovered in your folders! It is good to learn how much people can actually make money from their hobbies and photography can be one of them! Dear students, I hope everything is fine :) I received few complaints from some of you about their failure to view comments in their blogs. Yesterday I posted an entry on how to change commentary setting in Weebly (VIEW HERE). After a while, I came across another possibility that cause the complaint. Do you know that there are few main differences between ‘standard page’ and ‘blog page’? Firstly, if you chose ‘blog page’, your entry will be arranged according to the date/time it was published, with the latest on the top of the list followed by previous entries. On the other hand, if you created your blog pages using ‘standard page’, anything you shared will not be listed by date. In fact, there is no date indicated to each item you shared in ‘standard page’!
Secondly, in ‘blog page’, by default, a commentary section will be provided by Weebly. Meaning, to each entry, there will be a commentary space for your blog readers to share their thoughts. However, in ‘standard page’, you will not get that feature! And I strongly believe that the main factor that caused your problem is actually the selection of pages you created. For those who were affected with this problem, please log in to your Weebly account again and check whether you used ‘standard page’ or ‘blog page’. If you happened to use ‘standard page’, all you need is to change to ‘blog page’ .. well .. I mean you need to create a new ‘blog page’ and copy all the items you posted in the current ‘standard page’. Guys, I hope this explanation helps you to resolve the problem. All the best! Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera, As promised, I will share links to Weebly and perhaps these links will give you better ideas on how to create your own website/blog effectively. WEEBLY SUPPORT
Weebly is actually very easy to use. Unlike other providers, Weebly use drag and drop approach which gives more space for creativity. To start with, let's watch the video on how to get started with Weebly: In the picture above, you will see the list of individual and group assignments for this course. Make sure that you create at least THREE pages in your personal website: a) About Me b) Gallery (which will consist of all your photography assignments) c) My Reflections (share your feelings and experience during this course) Good Luck! Dr. F |
Welcome to your photography site!!
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Useful LinksKen Rockwell
Hong Kiat SLR Lounge Poppohoto Nikousa Mir WikiHow Cambridge in Colour Digital Photography School Digital Camera World Smashing Magazine Belajar Kamera Your Weebly!!ATIYAH NADHIRAH BINTI SALIM
Ramyah a/p V. Rajendran Nurul Nabila Saad Nurul Huda Mohd Farith Auswenik a/p Paramasivan Mohammad Syazwan Abd Rahim Meor Mohamed Azri Meor Idris Sherry Michelle anak Bumpoh Nur Amanina Sarib Hassan Siti Nazirah Mazlan Muhamad Malyan Saputra Nur Syahirah Mydin Atiyah Nadhirah Salim Izad Firdaus Ya'kob ![]() This work by Dr. Fariza Khalid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at www.farizakhalid.com. Archives
October 2021
Connect with me:Department of Learning and Teaching Innovations Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi Selangor MALAYSIA |
Site map: GE1155 Computer in Education GE2153 Educational Technology GE3404 Photography GA2123 Innovation & Technology in Teaching and Learning GB6013 Research Methods 1 GB6663 Pengajaran Pembelajaran Berbantu Komputer GE6433 Seminar Aliran Terkini dalam Pengajaran Sumber dan Teknologi Maklumat GE6543 Teknologi Maklumat dalam Pendidikan Research Support e-Learning Support Publication Supervision Awards When My Mind Speaks Guestbook |